Magick, Karma, Miracles, Christ, ET, Angels, Astrology, and God – Part 1
Sat, Oct 03
An esoteric lecture tying together several cosmic topics ands themes...

Time & Location
Oct 03, 2020, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
About the Event
A guided presentation and discussion about interconnection of several esoteric topics. Together, we’ll examine how consciousness, the application of willpower/intention play a part in the creation of our reality (in both overt/mundane and covert/occult senses), as well as how the nature of reality reflects to us the ways in which our application is either beneficial or detrimental. Alongside that will be a contemplation of how exercising our free will choice (or not) can take effect and result, and how the soul develops and learns through the experiences encountered.
In addition, after also exploring some of the different polarities, hierarchies, and spectrums that exist within our world to consider, the group will be shown aspects of how they function together, and what they represent. Throughout the process, we will observe how these arenas all align with understandings attained from a study of astrology (and Qabalah a little), in addition to how other beings (ascended masters and the “Christ consciousness” archetype they embody, ETs, angels, etc.) fit into the landscape.
There’s LOTS to talk about, and loads of ways the concepts overlap, so everyone who shows up is sure to see something from a whole new perspective.
Overall, while the material promises to uncover a plethora of connections that coexist throughout the metaphysical realms, a discussion of the philosophy and theory behind the principles and topics brought forth will hopefully help participants to better see the way in which they’re participating in life’s process, and how they can use the information gained to insightfully inform themselves about the best direction for continued growth and soul evolution. Part 2 is on 10/10. Part 1 will focus on core concepts and principles at play, while Part 2 extends to a deeper look at how consciousness “graduates” along the sliding scale of evolution, both individually and collectively.
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